Anxious about Going Back to School?

Posted by DPS Blog on 04 June 2018

Sending children to school can turn into a matter of anxiety to many parents. We become concerned about how the children will adjust to the new classroom environment. We become worried if the child will be able to communicate with the teacher.

Will the teacher recognize that my daughter says ‘ani’ to ask for water?

Will the teacher understand ‘Susu’ means ‘I want to go to the toilet’? Will someone help her with her dress?

Will my child be able to carry the bag and board the bus?

He does not know how to climb the stairs yet. How will he manage at school?

Will someone be available to help her with the tiffin box?? I feed her every day…. She may not even eat a mouthful all by herself… Is she going to stay hungry for all 4 hours?

These are common worries of most parents. All we say is TRUST the process, the school, the teachers and foremost your CHILD. He is capable.  He will find his way. Develop a trusting relationship with the teacher and school. Understanding that you are not alone in this, will help ease a majority of your tension.

Imagine your own schooling days and how it has shaped you. Every event or occasion has shaped you the way you are today.  If yours was not a pleasant experience, separate this feeling and let your child have a fresh experience with HOPE  and TRUST as the foundation. You had formed your own way of communicating with the teacher. Some understood some did not, but you did find your way.

Every teacher puts in her very best to keep the child happy. At Delhi Public School Electronic City, we believe every child is unique, capable and talented. To tap into this unique potential, every teacher takes it as a joyful challenge to provide holistic education that will prepare the children to face the challenges of the future with a smile on their face. We create spaces that will keep the child comfortable at the same time help enlighten the children to become problem solvers by taking initiatives.
Now when it comes to children, worries about starting school can vary widely from age to age.

For a pre-schooler, who is coming to school for the first time, separating from Mom and dad could be a concern. Their fears might be  ‘what if mommy won’t come back to pick me up’ ‘what if I don’t like the teacher’ ‘ what if I don’t want to eat?’. Some may be angry with parents for sending them away and may throw tantrums at school or at home.  Ignore the tantrums by letting them know that you understand how they feel suddenly alone in a new environment to fend for themselves. As a parent, it is our duty to assure them that everything will be fine by talking about the new positive change that is happening in their life’s. Explain to them that it is a part of growing up and that its time for them to be responsible.

For children who have already been in a school environment earlier, they may miss their last year’s classmates. Some may miss their old teacher and have trouble starting with a new teacher. They may worry about how the new teacher would treat them. They may even be anxious about setting a good first impression.

As they grow, the academic pressure they foresee would make them anxious. Homework, projects, assessments, and expectation from others make them get into a flight mode. As a parent, it becomes our task to help them with time schedules and study strategies. Engage in a variety of conversation to find out what their matter of concern is. They may shy away from detailing every event at school as they grow older. This is developmentally appropriate. Just watch out for little hints about their feelings during conversations.

It is very important to work hand in hand to help children with this transition. The first few days sets the stage for the coming academic year. As teachers, we at Delhi Public School we will stand by the children to mold and walk with them in the path that they desire to. As partners, let us hold hands together with trust and hope to make their dreams come true. Let us instill in them the same hope and trust by creating environments and circumstances that will strengthen them to face their fears with courage.